Thursday, May 5, 2011

I laugh and say

Years later,sunstroke, he suddenly received a cry 1 daytime, down went the incited intonation of voice so namely the brain of my center sour, this consciousness I had. Quietly waiting for him to slowly lull down, I laugh and say: Do not fret Do not fret, you've found, Members of the newspapers when the broadcast station. The next day at noon and p.m. broadcasts, a full 6 months, not air, no waves hh schoolrooms, radio stations, three cafeteria line of life is pretty smooth light.
into the educate year later summer school Games, I sent one to make on-site host, broadcasting out of the podium among the sitting Games, would appear awkward awkward owl exposed to the common tension during the day. I purposely brought a fodder cap, not hard cover All the faces.
Gradually, the tension to Anna's maladroit to be replaced along Shige applause, equitable like with a privileged, exceptional rendition of my entire afternoon! preoccupied many eyebrows, but too to their own classes encouraged the students aboard, victory!
in the end, I pick up the broadcast namely issued, tired apt prepare exit. this time, he arose in front of me, hands held out a green bag, I have no had period to respond, he turned flew away. I saw by the receding diagram attempt apt figure out who he namely, certainly no with the term senior, is the final of the seniors vaguely, what system, what is it are entirely ignorant of!
University of a crowd of folk in adore experience may be like me, adore out of approach, and refused to look down,shanghai massage, and there is all such an nameless I do not understand why they crush every other in two collateral lines in the miss to moving amenable. (Perhaps this is a conservative style of that era, and now the university university is said to free and open hh)
so that the green bag in the lunch carton and lovely nectar I felt a distinct image, yet did not romance the beginning. After I politely refused to be silent, he chose to leave, quit ahead graduation, a few love letters, they'd be reading I peruse a accumulation of them, that scholastic aptitude flying.
now musing almost it, Sven-bit seniors handsome, many favor the kind of huge brother, then why refuse, shake it may be inertia,beijing massage, or the heart has been in full without the > ten years ago how cozy it is to those sensations and precious Yeah, favor when my brothers and resist re-see the heartbeat, he is conscious, and I was his hug of the heart to care for manner full of gratitude.
affinity of missed, and loved to be loved, I think of the clause Nalan's words: the Bowl hh, maybe, I apologize,beijing massage, there is no bravery to talk clearly over,beijing massage, at fewest he did not heroic it hh

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