Friday, April 22, 2011


LOS ANGELES Beijing June 5 , according to Hong Kong medium reports , at French mentor Luc - French Besson produced environmental documentary Free unlock on 5 continents simultaneously , in array to waken human to the Earth's environment has been harmed earlier cares ..
Luc - Besson and so with a press conference in Paris to proclaim . The reception meeting will be in addition to Luc - Besson , the director Yann Arthus-Bertrand and PPR CEO and Salma - Hayek husband, Francis - Henry - Pinault also heeded the scene some video clips to activity over a hundred French and worldwide media, the premier watch. This HD documentaries in extra than 50 countries a total of 120 situations because filming, supernal images are entire shot , go coerce taken within the 217 days a annual and half , from more than 500 hours into a sequence of images well , the creation costs of up to 1,200 million euros (approximately 100 million Million). The film scheduled for World Environment Day ( today) more than 100 countries, show, described in French ambition be translated into by least 23 languages ​​, including English , German , Spanish , Mandarin , Cantonese , Japanese, Korean and Russian etc. .
been entrusted with the task of Luc - Besson said: Continue to contaminate the earth . The oxygen disguise to live . Video :
who tin migrate three thousand miles of water I would favor apt air

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