Wednesday, April 27, 2011

if only the birth parents remedy a baby would no be so ah ~ ~ so cruel

Area: Beijing
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<<2011 年>>
01 月 February 3 月 April 5 月 June 7 月 August 9 月 October 11 月 December < br> 4 22 is Earth Day 2009-04-22 15:48 - read: 47 -
earth be filled human stomach
(written in the Earth Day)
4 22 is Earth Day,Haidian District, Earth Day, the United Nations set up, visibly to advise people to accompany magnitude to environmental conservation, to catch on their own survival of the home. There is a book called But read the book listed in the data, that remark will not be one exaggeration. The story said: , almost 800 kilograms of plant protein into 50 kg of beef tin be. made the ranch, which makes living in the rainforest wealthy flora and fauna category faded, hinting increasingly worsening global environmental destruction. Maybe you are not familiar with these, you can not following explicit. burp and fart in a cow 2 daytime tall and low temperature test room will emit constant temperature and moisture Humidity Chamber salt spray chamber temperature circumstance learn in the UK 00 liters of methane chamber. the world's methane emissions of cattle per year, total global methane emissions along 20%. Some people Eat a steak reckoned the shock of global warming and driving a car two miles emissions the same adverse efficacy.
lot of people kas long asglobal warming induced weather alteration will instantly affect the Earth's ecological poise. But very few understand the table of necessary food mm human beef, would seriously mar the global context.
sophomore year, I have erased all QQ users, there are only basic school to campus students and instructors , there are relatives, I also put the school 'blog added privacy, and album password, etc., all to continue to create a better world, I thought, so that some of the black side by his overlooked!
Unfortunately, today Or see what aches me to see the school to share the article, I see a cold sweat, talking about how a mini girl's mama died in the hands of beasts as they see me dreadful dead, can not diagram out how the world have such parents! if necessary the birth parents remedy a baby would not be so ah ~ ~ so bloody, I have been to these organisms are classified as non human.
I always like to have been a better society would like to point to the good in everyone, but always inadvertently penetrate some dark side, some to the dark side of my shock, the reality is really such a fright? like this can only pray that I never met! they do not encounter, by fewest I can point to a better society would like to recall the University ~ ~
has ever had with people in society, notwithstanding they as students so simple, merely not bad to the extent so terrible, I have been sensibility their luck is good, just unbridled thought first came to seminary, make many, many friends, getting way to extra, I detect myself pile up people in society do not ambition to make friends, This is how I like to flee, to escape entire the things I do not like, Oh, some people said it was immaturity,beijing escort, in truth,beijing massage, is one such community, do not all want so pretty, Oh, is it true? Maybe so entered ahead I accomplished I really ~ ~
These are too the blog I always liked the causes as the sun to peruse everyone's mind, the earth would like apt very good and everyone is very honest, we do no beat around the woods in reality the get by, fair variant location to hear to the voices ashore the line ~
do not know what the real real world, do not know thatI have built a better world, how long can pray pray ~ ~ ~
worrying as sailor fishing, In 1991, Norway and the Russian fishermen slew 51,000 seals. And in the UK every annual from 500,000 to 1,500,000 deaths of dolphins and small whales. Most are embarrassed in floating nylon web, nylon web that is shrieked The millions of tons of fish, almost 30% of the people are not spending. It is no exaggeration to say that the prices of fish will be the all planet. If it is not over-fishing, and aquaculture, with a lot of ways, also to no good results. As for the erasure of tropical rain forests for pasture land, as in Asia and Latin America, mangroves are also a lot of superficial water was opened, as fish ploughing. superficial mangrove forests as more than 2,000 kinds of fish and marine factories, invertebrates provided momentous habitats, many of them grow only in specific zones. in aquaculture for a few years later, on mangroves was severely damaged, incapable to aquaculture, the environmental catastrophe caused immeasurable.
this the book present a fresh point of view: people who Gluttons. such as SARS, but no one is willing to give up. now and the season to dine frogs, and no people do not know the benefits of frogs to humans, but few people willing to give up Warou delicious. human beings created meantime himself struggling in the conflict. such as the World calls to stop whaling, Japan has rotated a unconcerned ear can also name the label of scientific research to the general trend of fishing, because the whale is a Japanese food on the table. In another example, the decrement of greenhouse gas emissions, is forcible amounts to restrain global warming, Americans are not willing to sign the unwilling to make sacrifices.
Read: 47 | Top:
a135248 'professional blog 4 22 is Earth Day will be the employ pressure on university students , it must be happy?

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